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Exclusively Rural and Oily Acreage Position in the DJ Basin

Rocky Top Resources’ portfolio of properties is focused on the DJ Basin which supports long-term, lower-risk oil development. This program offers a large drilling inventory with substantial growth potential. We operate this asset with high working interests to maintain operational control and execute with a focus on increasing operating efficiencies to reduce costs and employing our technical expertise to improve results. More information on these properties can be found below.

What Makes Us Different?


Proven Track Record

Net Acerage

DJ Basin

Our large, continuous acreage position in the Northeast Wattenberg and Hereford Fields of the DJ Basin are located predominantly in rural areas of the eastern plains of Colorado and parts of southeastern Wyoming with an associated favorable regulatory environment. We expanded our core acreage position in December 2017 with the addition of the Hereford Field.

Acreage position is located exclusively in rural Weld County outside of municipalities with no urban exposure